8,322 WHEAT TORTILLAS/2 recipes
This spicy dip is both bold and filling. Best served with Scoop Corn Chips. Beware this is a hot & spicy dip...
Salsa is such a great sauce that can go well with lots of things, it can be served with chips as a dip, or it can be put in the casserole as a sauce. And it is so quick and easy to make, chop a few fresh vegetables, throw them all together, here your freshly homemade salsa.
Try this scrumptious bread today by using this simple crockpot recipe that is stress free.
A great meal,good for leftovers. Meal and side dish all in one!
This focaccia turns out crusty outside and fluffy inside. Eating it plain is absolutely tasty and it can be made into a delicious sandwich!
Variety of vegetables, they look colourful and taste very well. A very healthy enchiladas.
Note: In lieu of fresh trout, 1/2 lb cooked and flaked fish may be used. Make smaller protions and serve as an appetizer. Oatcakes that have been gently warmed in the oven go well with this dish.
Healthy and delicious muffins are great for breakfast to start the day!
This is a flavorful and mildly spicy chili recipe. Best served with a side of bread!
A simple but succulent chicken dish that can be served with pasta, rice or a crusty bread.