14,715 MIXED GREEN SALAD/358 recipes
Green pepper, tomato, spinach and peanut butter make a unique quick and easy side dish.
A hearty and delicious soup made with milookhiyya and a variety of spices.
My version of easy cinnamon rolls that used a box of cake mix.
Quick, easy and delicious. An Ideal busy week-day dinner.
Nothing says comfort food like grandma's cookin'. I have simplified the process with canned beans but feel free to use a comparable amount of fresh. I also replaced the lard in Grandma's recipe with (marginally more healthy) butter.
No flag day or 4th of July celebration would be complete without a potato salad. This version is lighter and healthier that the tradition mayonaise only version but every bit as tasty. It's best made the day before. A great make-ahead classic side-dish so you can enjoy the day more.