by Ingredient

Flavor recipes

from the Chocolate collection

336 FLAVOR recipes

Most Loved Flourless Chocolate Cake

Flourless Chocolate Cake recipe

Be-My-Valentine Pie

This easy yet delicious ice-cream chocolate bottom pie will be a sweet surprise to your loved one at Valentine's Day.

Chocolate & Hazelnut Sauce

This popular chocolate and hazelnut sauce or spread, almost everybody loves it, but do you know it is actually so easy to make, and the flavor is just absolutely delicious!

Favourite Boston Cream Pie

This pie is super delicious and it is always a big hit at our family gathering dinner.

Black & White Chocolate Chip Cookies

These are very delicious cookies, we always cook them. Everytime they go very well.

Dark Chocolate Mulled Wine Sauce

This dark sauce takes advantage of chocolate's affinity for red wine. Dutch process cocoa lends the sauce richer chocolate flavor than regular unsweetened cocoa.

Viennese Sand Cookies

This co-winner in the filled-cookie category from Dorothy O'Neill of Whitefish Bay makes a delicate, crispy cookie. Dipping in chocolate and nuts adds flavor and texture.