by Ingredient

108 garlic recipes

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Garlic-Roasted Lamb

Use fresh rosemary, if possible (many supermarkets carry it). The flavor it imparts to the lamb will be far superior to that of dried. If you like, white potatoes may be substituted for the sweet potatoes, and turnips for the parsnips. You can also flavor lamb by covering it with lemon slices before roasting.

Lentil And Garlic Soup

A simple and hearty soup made with lentils, garlic and juicy tomatoes.

Garlicky Falafel

Garlicky Falafel recipe

Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic

Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic recipe

Showing 33 - 48 of 108 recipes

Garlic Tips


Garlic is native to central Asia, but its use spread across the world more than 5000 years ago, before recorded history. It was worshipped by the Egyptians and fed to workers building the Gread Pyramid at Giza, about 2600 BC.

Vampire Repellent

Garlic. What would we do without it? Garlic's reputation precedes itself. And a ponderous reputation it is. Garlic has been alleged to

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