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$20,000 Prize-winning Chili

For starters, the water, beer and sugar take this recipe in the wrong direction. Substitute these ingredients with red wine. Also, forget the pork - this has not flavor in chili. Just add more beef. These small changes would have won them $40,000. I made those changes and had people chasing me for the recipe afterwards.

100% Whole Wheat Pizza Dough
100% Whole Wheat Pizza Dough

Making your own pizza dough may take you some time, but it's well worth the efforts. When you make the pizza with freshly-made whole wheat pizza dough, it's going to double the deliciousness plus it is actually packed with good-for-you goodness!

4 Bean Salad

4 Bean salad dressed with honey and cider vinegar.

A Grete Pye

No Christmas feast in medieval times was complete without a 'grete pye'. In some recipes, it could contain many varied meats, but quite often only two or three different kinds were suggested; change the meats suggested here if you wish.

Acorn Squash with Wehani Rice & Pecan Stuffing

Leave meat out of the equation for dinner for this scrumptious dish that's perfect for the Autumn season.


This recipe is for a Cuban stew/soup that I used to enjoy con mucho gusto. This version of Ajiaco was prepared by Senora Garcia in her little store front restaurant on Collins Ave. in Miami Beach. Although this is not her exact recipe, it's the closest I could get to it. Ajico del Restaurant Garcia


Alicha is a curry-like meal.

All Time Favourite Melting Moments

All Time Favourite Melting Moments recipe

Almond Apricot and Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
Almond Apricot & Chocolate Sandwich Cookies

These beautiful sandwich cookies are very tasty too, they can be a great gift for holidays. Feel free to use any your favorite fruit jam to replace apricot jam.

Almond Cake

You will go nuts over this scrumptious cake that is decadent to the last slice. Just make sure your family doesn't eat it all in one night!

Showing 1 - 16 of 1589 recipes