by Ingredient

Tomato Pasta Dough

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6 servings


30 min


10 min


40 min
Low Fat, Low in Saturated Fat, Trans-fat Free


Amount Measure Ingredient Features
1 ½ cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1 each eggs
½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon olive oil
½ cup tomato paste
or sun-dried tomatoes
2 tablespoons basil
fresh, finely chopped, optional
1 x water
* Camera


Amount Measure Ingredient Features
355 ml unbleached all-purpose flour
1 each eggs
2.5 ml salt
5 ml olive oil
118 ml tomato paste
or sun-dried tomatoes
3E+1 ml basil
fresh, finely chopped, optional
1 x water
* Camera


To make dough by hand: Mound the flour on a work surface basil (if desired), and salt to depression.

Slowly incorporate the egg mixture into flour with a fork or your fingertips until it's evenly and thoroughly absorbed.

Add water 1 teaspoon at a time, as necessary, to form a workable dough.

Knead 5 to 10 minutes, or until dough is smooth and elastic.

If dough is sticky, add a small amount of flour.

If dough is dry, add water while kneading, a few drops at a time.

Wrap dough in plastic wrap and let rest for 1 hour, or for several hours.

To make dough in a food processor: Add flour, eggs, oil, tomato paste, basil (if desired), and salt to processor and pulse several times while adding small amounts of water until incorporated (dough will be crumbly, not elastic.)

Knead as directed in preceding method.

Food processor pasta dough doesn't require a resting period, but it doesn't hurt either.

Refrigerated dough should be returned to room temperature before rolling.

Rolling and cutting the dough: Using a hand-cranked pasta desired thinness.

Filled pastas such as ravioli and cannelloni, should not be rolled too thin and can be shaped right away.

For cut pasta such as fettuccine or linguine, drape the rolled pasta sheets over the back of a chair or cardboard- covered clothes hanger for about 10 minutes.

This brief drying time will prevent the pasta from sticking together when cut.

Cut pasta can be cooked immediately, or dried, or dusted with flour and frozen in bags for late use Pasta sheets can be stored lightly dusted with flour and wrapped in plastic. This recipe is for an egg pasta. Omit the egg and increase the olive oil to 1 tablespoon for an eggless version.

* not incl. in nutrient facts Arrow up button




Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 63g (2.2 oz)
Amount per Serving
Calories 14812% from fat
 % Daily Value *
Total Fat 2g 3%
Saturated Fat 0g 2%
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 31mg 10%
Sodium 229mg 10%
Total Carbohydrate 9g 9%
Dietary Fiber 2g 7%
Sugars g
Protein 10g
Vitamin A 9% Vitamin C 8%
Calcium 2% Iron 13%
* based on a 2,000 calorie diet How is this calculated?
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