by Ingredient

Peach Conserve (Marmalade)

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Peach Conserve (Marmalade)

Low Fat, Low in Saturated Fat, Low Cholesterol, Cholesterol-Free, Trans-fat Free, High Fiber, Sodium-Free, Low Sodium


Amount Measure Ingredient Features
5 each oranges
18 each peaches
1 ½ cups sugar
per cup of fruit
1 cup maraschino cherries
chopped, or yellow cherries
* Camera


Amount Measure Ingredient Features
5 each oranges
18 each peaches
355 ml sugar
per cup of fruit
237 ml maraschino cherries
chopped, or yellow cherries
* Camera


Quarter and seed the oranges but do not peel them.

Peel and pit the peaches.

Put both fruits through food chopper using coarse blade (should be chunky).

Measure the fruit into a large pot; add sugar according to fruit measure.

Cook rapidly until mixture "sheets" from spoon; stir often.

Add the maraschino cherries.

Pour into hot, sterilized 6 ounce jars; seal at once with wax.

* not incl. in nutrient facts Arrow up button




Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 939g (33.1 oz)
Amount per Serving
Calories 6423% from fat
 % Daily Value *
Total Fat 2g 3%
Saturated Fat 0g 1%
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 0mg 0%
Total Carbohydrate 54g 54%
Dietary Fiber 15g 59%
Sugars g
Protein 15g
Vitamin A 53% Vitamin C 216%
Calcium 12% Iron 10%
* based on a 2,000 calorie diet How is this calculated?

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