Founded in 1996, years before Google and the term blogger existed,™ was created to answer an elusive question faced by home cooks everywhere.
What recipes can I make with these ingredients?
Tired of buying ingredients for new recipes every time you cook? Imagine if you could type what ingredients you have into a recipe finder, and it would only show you recipes based on what you already have. No more wasted food, save time, save money.
Now you too can find recipes by ingredients and save your favorites in your own recipe box.
Fast-forward 29 years and Recipeland™ is a family affair, exclusively run by Sean, Zhangbo, and their daughter Keira.
Save time
RecipeLand, stands out from other recipe websites, many of which have been acquired by large corporations and turned into clickbait machines. Instead of bombarding you with endless scrolling before you get to recipes, you will find the tools you need to easily search and find the exact recipe you're looking for. Our goal is to make your recipe search process as efficient and enjoyable as possible.
Family owned and operated we are kept busy testing recipes in the kitchen and shooting photographs of the final main dish in the studio.
Why are you saying there is a salt in it but the ingredients list said there isn't. It is confusing. Look what have done, you weren't becareful when you were writing this stupid. Corerect or else it will be disguesting.
This comment makes no sense and clearly the poster didn’t read the directions. There is no confusion with the recipe but more so with the comment written in poor English…wonder who’s calling who ‘stupid’…
Thanks for your comment to tell us the problem, but I really haven't found salt in either ingredients or direction; there are soda and sugar. But we still appreciate your comment, any problem of other recipes, please let us know, thank you!
Salt is in the Bisquick mix.
When do you add the baking mix??
Thanks for your comment. Just edited the recipe. The baking mix should be mixed in with the wet ingredients. Hope this helps, and happy baking :)
Can't have nuts so we used mini chocolate chips and a little cinnamon applesauce. Came out great
The picture on Pinterest has it listed as "vegetarian" . Technically, it is not. It contains an egg.
Just thought that I'd point that out.
VEGETERIANS CAN EAT EGGS. You are confusing us with VEGANS.
I made mine in an iron skillet And bread did not rise. Only about 2 inches.
I have noticed my corn bread does not rise much either when cooked in cast-iron, but it is so darn tasty who cares. The pan gets too hot oo fast, it is best to cook your 'bread' in a metal or ceramic loaf pan to allow all the ingredients to do their puffy magic.