Super quick and easy to make, and these chicken fingers came out delicious. The aroma during the cooking made the whole house smell great...
Sesame oil, soy sauce, chili-garlic sauce, garlic and ginger make a succulent sauce that is perfect for marinating the tofu. Then cook tofu until crusted. Stir-fry with several fresh vegetables, and pour the delicious sauce to thicken up at the end. This Asian inspired stir-fry can be served with cooked rice, quinoa, or any your favorite grain.
An easy beef flank steak recipe for your slow cooker.
A quick, easy yet tasty recipe to cook Swiss chard, or any similar greens. Serve it as a side dish to accomplish your main course, or grab a few slices of crusty bread to complete a light, wholesome yet delicious meal.
Quick and easy to make, and packed with flavor.
It's hard to go wrong with lots of garlic, then you add some fresh garden-grown rosemary into these lovely fingerling potatoes with all these delicious garlic. Let oven do the final roasting job...
Quick, easy and delicious. An ideal week day dinner.
This easy to prepare dish is an ideal dinner for busy weekdays. It's loaded with goodness. Feel free to use broccoli to replace asparagus.
Nearly any kind of dried beans works in this class sweet yet savory vegetarian two-day version of baked beans.
This recipe would have been 5 stars without the sliced sun-dried tomatoes. The tomatoes dominated the flavor of the sauce so much that it didn't allow the mushrooms to shine through. My wife liked it, but I noticed she was picking out the tomatoes too.
A hearty crunchy side salad with peas, celery and cashews in a creamy dressing.
Creamy and tasty. There are lots of flavors in this simply delicious mashed potatoes. Toasted garlic bits, smoked paprika... You will find these yumminess in every bite.
This flavorful Indian rice is cooked with chopped cilantro, mint, garlic, onion, cumin and raisins, there are lots of flavor on this simple rice plate, and it is an easy recipe to follow!
So delicious and much less greasy than your deep-fried ones.
The curried yogurt dressing is spicy, creamy and flavorful, grilled asparagus is tender-crispy, topped with curried yogurt dressing, a light and tasty side dish for your spring supper.
Juicy, sweet and tender roasted tomatoes, creamy goat cheese, and slightly bitter mixed greens make this mouth-watering pasta dish delicious and nutritious.