51,692 SALT FREE DINNER/433 recipes
Serving a crowd, a traditional mincemeat recipe using cost saving cuts of meat capable once used in other recipes of serving up to 50 people. Marinated in cognac and other liqueurs in an old fashioned crock for weeks.
Leave the pots in the cupboard and let this hearty soup simmer in your crockpot while you're away from the kitchen.
A curried Bechamel sauce works very well as a topping for many steamed or cooked vegetables.
Very healthy and nutritious combination, tastes very well too!
A good stock can greatly improve and add flavor to many meals.
A simple and delicious crockpot recipe that makes a tasty stuffing from chopped celery, canned mushrooms and cream of mushroom soup.
Monkfish with Garlic and Herb Butter (Irish) recipe
A sweet and delicious "salad" made with crushed pineapple and dry roasted nuts.
Using bread maker to make your own bread.