7,035 MEAT:-DUCK/8 recipes
Enjoy this delicious yet filling stew in a cold winter day with some crusty bread. It makes you warm and satisfies your taste buds.
Apple Juice Roast recipe
This meal can be made with chicken, beef or shrimp. See note below about grilling. This is a great make-a-head meal. Meat and marinade can be frozen ahead of time and will continue marinading as it defrosts.
Hot Phall recipe
This flavorful beef stew is alway a winner at our place. Marinating makes the beef tender and full of flavor. The bouquet garni has lots of spices and vegetables, which add extra deliciousness and textures into the stew. It's a great winter dish in a cold day.
Bring that barbecue taste into your kitchen with this succulent dish that's savory to the touch.