2,467 CHERVIL/4 recipes
Sautèing asparagus with bacon (pancetta) and leeks is an excellent way to cook asparagus and keep it perfectly tender-crisp and finished with pine nuts and aromatic garlic. Lemon and orange zest make this side a sophisticated, delicious variety of textures and flavors.
Very quick and easy to put together, and it came out so creamy and delicious. A well balanced meal on flavor, texture and nutrient. Perfect for a busy week-day dinner.
In cold season, this warm red cabbage and apple salad is served with some roasted meat, brings you to warm.
Cheddar and Parmesan give the bread super cheesy and tasty flavor, buttermilk and vegetable oil make the bread very moist. It's a delicious bread that you can't stop eating after the first bite.
Rich in flavor - low in cost. Money saving chicken thighs replace the expensive traditional veal in this rendition of an Italian classic.
Crispy and sweet baked sweet potato wedges are a great snack, and they are both delicious and nutritious. Serve these delicious wedges with sour cream dip.
Chickpea, pinto beans, sweet potato and spinach are slowly cooked in crock pot with cumin, coriander, lemon juice and honey. It's an ideal weekday dinner, just throw everything into your crock pot, and push the start button. By the time you are home after work, your hearty and delicious dinner is served.
Freaking Amazing!!!
A great way to use up day old bread. A savory version of bread pudding with spinach and mushrooms that's cheesy delicious.
A Northern Italian variation on pasta. Cabbage with pasta makes this dish more filling and is dressed with a light white wine sauce. Quick and easy to prepare.
This is the best shrimp recipe I have ever tasted, I do love the sichuan sauce in this recipe, very flavorful, I will make it again and again.
This scrumptious dish has pasta shells stuffed with spinach and ricotta and mozzarella cheese.
This potato and spinach frittata was delicious, and it had enough goodness for me to start off my day. You can use sweet potato, and other leafy greens such as kale and Swiss chard to make this frittata.
It was so flavorful, instead of broth, we used canned tomato. Served the stew with homemade whole wheat bread, yum.
There are many variations of classic Mexican tortilla soup. In this vegetarian version (feel free to substitute chicken for the tofu for a non-veg version) the rich broth is flavored with earthy ancho (New Mexican) chillies and made more filling by adding some kale that retains it's texture well in a hot soup.
The other day while we were watching Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen, chefs were making flatbread, basically like pizza, just different shape, which really made my craving for pizza come back to life. Then start making this sun-dried tomato, olive and basil pesto flatbread, and it was so good...