by Ingredient

Canadian recipe collection

ready in 30 to 60 minutes

Canadian Meat Pie
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It is a very nice meat pie, easy to make, and just half an hour, you can taste a good meat pie.

Orange-Scented Grilled Lobster Tails
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Lovely lobster dish on a hot summer night. Just a very nice difference with the orange zest....

Poor Man's Lobster
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Poor Man's Lobster recipe

Rhubarb & Raspberry Tart
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Raspberries and rhubarb in one tart means that one of the fruits must be frozen if locally produced products are to be used. This dish works well with either fresh or frozen berries or rhubarb. The reds and pinks are beautiful together and the flavours blend wonderfully.

Showing 17 - 20
of 20 recipes

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