by Ingredient

Recipes with parsley sprigs

276 recipes

Mousse of Duck Liver with Aspic Jelly

Mousse of Duck Liver with Aspic Jelly recipe

Bacon Cabbage, & Root Vegetable Soup

Bacon Cabbage, and Root Vegetable Soup recipe

Trout Sauteed in Butter

As every angler knows, skillet-size brook, brown, and rainbow trout are never more tasty than when prepared this way. Can there be any tastier dish than the one that comes from this happy marriage of fresh trout and butter?

Buttermilk Baked Chicken

Instead of using a rich egg or cream batter, the chicken in this recipe is dipped in whole wheat flour, buttermilk-egg batter, and then unsweetened cereal crumbs to make a wonderfully crispy hot baked chicken, or cold picnic chicken.