Sauté the following in ‘enough’ vegetable oil adding the ingredients in the order specified: 2 onions (chopped) 2+ cloves garlic ½ hot chilli pepper (don’t go overboard!) 3 to 4 lbs carrots, turnips, parsnips in chunks (proportion according to taste) 1 to 2 lbs mushrooms (quartered)
Once the veg are done, add enough of the following stock to cover them with a little room to spare: 3 pts chicken/chicken flavor stock 1 small can of tomato paste Season with oregano, basil, and whatever you feel like. The important thing with this recipe is to taste regularly and go with your gut as to what is best. Serve the ‘sauce’ over a bed of couscous. Note: ----- To this you can add anything from meatballs to spicy sausages to ... nothing. It freezes really well, so I make it in very large batches.