by Ingredient

Roast Turkey

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Low Fat, Fat-Free, Low in Saturated Fat, Low Cholesterol, Cholesterol-Free, Trans-fat Free, Low Carb, Sugar-Free, Sodium-Free, Low Sodium


Amount Measure Ingredient Features
1 each turkey
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Amount Measure Ingredient Features
1 each turkey
* Camera


How much to buy: ½ pound per serving.

Defrost time: 20 pound bird takes 3 days in fridge or 12 hours in sink of water.

Remove giblets as soon as thawed.

Roast time: Unstuffed, chilled turkey at 325℉ (160℃) - 6 to 8 pounds 2 ¾ to 3½ hours. 8 to 12 pounds 3¼ to 4 hours 12 to 16 pounds 3½ to 3½ hours 16 to 20 pounds 4 to 6 hours 20 to 26 pounds 3½ to 3½ hours Stuffing: Add 25 minutes cooking time for birds

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