by Ingredient

Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest

Healthy Living News

Extend Your Life with 15 Minutes of Exercise!

Extend Your Life with 15 Minutes of Exercise!

Think finding time to exercise is not important? Not if you want to live longer!

Is a Gluten-Free Diet the Answer?

Is a Gluten-Free Diet the Answer?

Gluten-free seems to be a dietary buzz word lately, but what is all the fuss about?

Resilient People are Healthier!

Resilient People are Healthier!

Do you have the right personality to get fit?

An Apple a Day Does Keep the Doctor Away

An Apple a Day Does Keep the Doctor Away

Eating an apple a day really can keep the doctor away. Fruit consumption is as effective as statins in preventing vascular incidents.

Brain Boosting Changes to Make Today

Brain Boosting Changes to Make Today

Help your brain stay strong and keep your memory sharp by engaging in a healthy lifestyle.

Can Drinking Soda Kill Your Kidneys?

Can Drinking Soda Kill Your Kidneys?

Drinking moderate amounts of soda on a regular basis can lead to kidney failure.

Omega-3 Improves Brain Function

Omega-3 Improves Brain Function

A recent study shows how omega-3 fatty acids can cross the blood-brain barrier and help to treat patients with Alzheimer’s disease effectively.

Antioxidant Rich Foods that Detoxify

Antioxidant Rich Foods that Detoxify

Use your diet to detoxify your body and start the new year off right!

New Year’s Weight Loss Solutions

New Year’s Weight Loss Solutions

Practical ideas to help you lose weight - and keep it off - in 2014.

How To Keep Holiday Weight Gain at Bay?

How To Keep Holiday Weight Gain at Bay?

It’s a common problem, overindulging at the holidays. Studies have shown that exercise can help you bounce back quickly.