by Ingredient

Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest

Healthy Living News

A Healthy Diet for Picky Eaters

A Healthy Diet for Picky Eaters

Encourage your picky eater to enjoy a well-balanced diet.

Mindful Meditation Slows Dementia

Mindful Meditation Slows Dementia

As little as 15 minutes meditation per day has been shown to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s and help preserve cognitive function.

Long Term Effects of Migraines

Long Term Effects of Migraines

Migraines are more than just a painful problem. Those who have chronic migraines may eventually experience measurable brain changes.

Acidic Diets Lead to Diabetes?

Acidic Diets Lead to Diabetes?

Making your diet less acidic can dramatically decrease your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Try these great recipe substitutions to reap the benefits!

Drastic Treatment for A Deadly Disease

Drastic Treatment for A Deadly Disease

Find out how preventive mastectomy can save the lives of women who are at high-risk for breast cancer.

 Is Broccoli the Secret to Slowing Osteoarthritis?

Is Broccoli the Secret to Slowing Osteoarthritis?

Recent research from the University of East Anglia (UAE) suggests that eating broccoli may slow down the onset of osteoarthritis.

Your Diet Can Bring Menopause Relief

Your Diet Can Bring Menopause Relief

Learn how simple changes to your diet can ease the effects of menopause.

Combination of Mediterranean Diet and Exercise Cuts Health Risks Substantially

Combination of Mediterranean Diet and Exercise Cuts Health Risks Substantially

Those with the highest risk for obesity and heart disease were found to show the greatest benefits from a combination of Mediterranean diet and high intensity exercise regiment.

Bottled Water: Crisp, Refreshing, and Full of Chemicals?

Bottled Water: Crisp, Refreshing, and Full of Chemicals?

Find out what is hiding in your water bottle.

 Mediterranean Diet May Lower Alzheimer’s Risk

Mediterranean Diet May Lower Alzheimer’s Risk

A new study supports research that following the Mediterranean Diet may actually protect the brain from Alzheimer’s and other thinking impairments later in life.