by Ingredient

Jerk seasoning

About the ingredient jerk seasoning. Including 7 recipes with jerk seasoning.



In Chinese:挺举调味
British (UK) term: Jerk seasoning
en français:assaisonnement jerk
en español:condimento jerk

Recipes using jerk seasoning

There are 7 recipes that contain this ingredient.

Chauvinist Pig Sauce (For Pulled Pork)

Chauvinist Pig Sauce (For Pulled Pork)

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Had some leftover pulled pork and wanted something a little different than your standard barbeque sauce. Why "Chauvinist Pig"? Secret's in the sauce!


Jerk Chicken Pizza

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Jerk Chicken Pizza recipe


Grilled Cajun Shrimp


Tried this recipe last weekend for football snacks and the guys comments were: TOP SHELF, NUMBER ONE, CAN'T GET NO BETTER, MO' SHRIMP NEXT WEEK etc... Great flavors.

All 7 recipes

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