by Ingredient

Imitation bacon bits

About the ingredient imitation bacon bits. Including 5 recipes with imitation bacon bits.



In Chinese:仿培根
British (UK) term: Imitation bacon bits
en français:bits de l'imitation de bacon
en español:trocitos de tocino imitación

Recipes using imitation bacon bits

There are 5 recipes that contain this ingredient.


Breakfast Quiche Lorraine

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Breakfast Quiche Lorraine recipe


Tavern Dip

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Explore the caves of your kitchen with this tasty dip that is sure to be favorite in your household.


Hoppin' John Bread

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You can serve this delightful cholesterol-free, high-fiber bread on New Year's Eve instead of the traditional bowl of black-eyed peas believed to bring good fortune for the year ahead.

All 5 recipes

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