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Herbs and Spice recipe collection

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Shrimps with Basil, Leeks & Tomatoes
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With the sauce prepared in advance, this colorful dish makes a quick entree for two, good served over fluffy rice.

Spicy Whole Mung (or lentil) Beans
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I made this dish and thought it was too bland. I made it again, doubling all the Indian spices, and it came out much better.

Crockpot Curried Beef
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Try this East Indian favorite that will create a succulent aroma in your kitchen, with some help from your slow cooker of course.

Crockpot Seasoned Beef in Sauce
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A simple and scrumptious dish made with a tasty sauce that you won't mind licking off of your fingers.

Showing 33 - 48
of 67 recipes

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