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197 thai recipes

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Crisp Tofu and Thai Cucumber Raita
Crisp Tofu & Thai Cucumber Raita

If there’s any dish you should be eating RAITA now, it’s this one. Tofu is a powerhouse for protein and all 9 of our body’s essential amino acids. As if the taste isn’t enough, tofu also provides an overwhelming amount of minerals and nutrients, such as calcium which promotes bone health, iron that helps with our metabolism and haemoglobin formation, and magnesium which can help with high blood pressure, reduces your risk of heart attacks and lowers anxiety too. The olive oil in this raita is also full of healthy monounsaturated fats! Cultures throughout times have shown that those with diets containing this elixir of the gods, have a higher life expectancy and also a much lower risk for heart disease! So, not only is this dish pleasing to the eye and taste, but also does wonders for your heart, keeping it happy and healthy!

Delicious spicy Thai Red Curry Chicken
Delicious spicy Thai Red Curry Chicken

Thai Red Curry is easily the most popular dish from Thailand. Made with an aromatic mix of fresh vegetables, herbs & spices, and red chilies; it offers a harmony of tastes and textures that is truly amazing. Its rich, spicy and bold taste, with a subtle hint of sweetness, is effectively hot without being overpowering. It’s warm and comforting and just perfect for days when you are craving for something simple yet indulgent. A traditional spicy Thai Red Curry is usually best enjoyed with fragrant steamed rice but in some places, it is also eaten with noodles.

All-Vegetable Pad Thai
All-Vegetable Pad Thai

A ‘quick and easy to make’ light, tasty dish. You could add Tofu or other high protein based foods to make it a more substantial meal. If you’re interested in knowing more about the effects of the sprouting process, it actually improves many benefits that are already in the bean. The soaking/sprouting process increases the nutritional value of its’ protein, which is required for many bodily functions from building bone and muscle tissue to carrying oxygen around the body. The vitamin content also increases in some beans, the vitamin C increases as the seed germinates which provides antioxidants to combat free radicals. The fibre content also increases substantially – fibre binds to fats and toxins and quickly flushes them from our system. It has a positive overall effect to say the least. As always, please check the labels to make sure that the products you use are suitable for your specific diets or allergies.

Pad Thai Spring Rolls
Pad Thai Spring Rolls

Contrary to what you make think, not all Spring Rolls are deep-fried. They can be served fresh as well, which is a lovely option for an appetizer or light meal this summer. It’s quite an extensive list of ingredients, but if you are a fan of Thai cooking, it’s likely you have most of them in your pantry or fridge already. The preparation is a simple whisk, toss, hydrate, roll. And our special touch? We added a peanut sauce to make a “Pad Thai” version, as well as some chillies. Stop, drop and roll – these babies are on fire!

Thai Cucumber Salad
Thai Cucumber Salad

A quick yet refreshing Thai cucumber salad accompanies well with most of your summer Barbecue dishes.

Thai Curry Squash Soup
Thai Curry Squash Soup

This delicious Thai curry soup is packed with goodness and great flavour. It warms you up instantly. Perfect for a cold winter supper when served with a bowl of rice.

Pad Thai Pseudo
Pad Thai Pseudo

Pad Thai Pseudo recipe

Pad Thai Stir-Fried Rice Ribbon Noodles
Pad Thai Stir-Fried Rice Ribbon Noodles

Pad Thai Stir-Fried Rice Ribbon Noodles recipe

Phat Thai (Pad Thai)
Phat Thai (Pad Thai)

Phat Thai (Pad Thai) recipe

Thai Pasta and Seafood Salad
Thai Pasta & Seafood Salad

Delicious and refreshing.

Thai Roasted Chile Paste
Thai Roasted Chile Paste

Cooks in Southeast Asia make use of pastes that combine roasted fresh or dried chillies with a variety of other seasonings. Various commercial chilli pastes are sold, but a good chile paste is also easy to make at home.

Showing 1 - 16 of 197 recipes