7,854 RAISIN BRAN CAKE/100 recipes
A rich and delicious dessert made with jello, angel food cake and juicy berries.
A light and fluffy chiffon cake is a perfect dessert to satisfy your sweet tooth!
A spicy vegetable stew - easy to make. Some find that the flavors of the vegetables don't stand out unless you put in a lot of tabasco. But not everyone likes it hot. Just add enough to make the stew seem spicy to you.
Pound Cake made with Chocolate Chips and Avocado.
Delicious and chocolaty.
This cake is named tea cake, but there is no tea in it, and flavour is very nice!
Fabulous Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting recipe
Almond-Raisin Biscotti recipe
Original Red Velvet Cake with Frosting recipe
Double Chocolate Coca Cola Cake