by Ingredient

Almond recipe collection

ready in over 4 hours

Scotch Bonet Pfeffernusse
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Instead of being hard, dry spice cookies, these are soft, moist spicy cookies with a medium hot disposition. Their heat is derived from ground Jamaican Scotch Bonnet peppers.

White Chocolate & Lime Ribbon Cheesecake
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Smooth, rich and creamy, all these words can be connected with cheesecake, and just a small slice is good enough for satisfy the sweet tooth. This cheesecake is absolutely awesome!

Yuletide Ring
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Full of mushrooms and a variety of nuts and spices, this decorative dish is sure to attract people to the dinner table!

Zuleika Cake
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Have with sweet white wine or white port

Company Casserole
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Keep your company satisfied with this yummy casserole made with chicken, mushrooms and almonds.

Showing 49 - 64
of 128 recipes

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