Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest
Already struggling with tight budgets, making every food dollar go as far as possible will become even more vital to American shoppers as grocery prices rise. Here are 7 simple tips to stretch your food dollar at your local supermarket.
As Americans struggle with unemployment and underemployment, they are turning to food pantries to save money and keep their families fed. In the coming weeks we will be featuring a series of articles about stretching your grocery dollars to the max.
Local produce is higher in nutrition, because it does not have to travel as far to get to your plate. Using local produce also helps the environment because fuels do not have to be expended to transport it to the store. Plus it supports your local economy.
The Canadian Health Ministry is teaming up with food companies to launch a new campaign to help Canadians make better choices about what they eat by teaching them how to decode the information found in the nutritional labeling on prepackaged foods.
Food commodity prices have been skyrocketing the last couple of months and this week both McDonald's and General Mills, two major fast food and packaged food suppliers have warned prices will be on the rise. Fortunately consumers have the choice to make healthier, more affordable foods at home using their favorite recipes.
The federal government, as well as many state and local governments, are considering instituting a junk food tax on foods high in saturated fat and sugary drinks.
On a recent day of back-to-back tapings, she cooked up a chicken-and-porcini pie, chatted with stars about married life and found time to plug other parts of her lifestyle empire: the new cooking show, the new cookbook and the Thanksgiving issue of her magazine according to The Associated Press.
For those who want to eat their way through Italy, perhaps a visit to Mario Batali's new restaurant, Eataly, will do in a pinch. Even if you can't make it to New York to visit Eataly, there are many delicious Italian recipes that can be recreated in your home kitchen.
The use of slow cookers (AKA Crock pots) is expected to grow by 16% and grilling will grow by 11% over the next 10 years according to a market research report released by The NPD Group last Monday.
Heirloom tomatoes are a hot item at an Old Town farmer’s market in Palm Springs, California, reports the La Quinta Sun.