by Ingredient

Green enchilada sauce

About the ingredient green enchilada sauce. Including 6 recipes with green enchilada sauce.



In Chinese:绿色enchilada酱
British (UK) term: Green enchilada sauce
en français:sauce enchilada verte
en español:salsa enchilada verde

Recipes using green enchilada sauce

There are 6 recipes that contain this ingredient.

Enchiladas Suiza

Enchiladas Suiza

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Made this recipe with some leftover turkey meat, and it worked well. Quite easy to put together, and it came out delicious. This is the kind of dish to make when you don't feel like cooking up a storm, and everyone at the dinner table will still be happily fed.

Chicken Enchiladas Verde (Green)

Chicken Enchiladas Verde (Green)

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A souped up version of Mexican chicken enchiladas that's prefect to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.


Quick Spanish Style Dressing

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A quick and delicious casserole that will start a fiesta in your kitchen!

All 6 recipes

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