23,683 PORK CHOP/189 recipes
Chocolate, fudge, souffles... all these delicious things appear in one recipe to satisfy your sweet tooth, may think about making it...
Toasted cumin and fennel seeds bring the delicious Indian tangy flavor into the sauteed chicken and fresh asparagus, serve it with rice or quinoa.
This delicious white pizza is topping with caramelized onion, leafy greens and the mixture of the ricotta and parmesan cheese.
This easy to prepare cake is so buttery and creamy, it is an excellent dessert for your At. Patrick's Day party!
Panini is a classic food in Italia, it is very flexible, you can add any your favorite cheese, vegetables and herbs to create your own version of panini.
The minty and toasted almond sauce is a hit, roasted chicken goes very well with this citrus, garlicky and nutty sauce.
Shrimp and scallions in a spanish style tortilla. In Spain a pancake is called a tortilla.
Cooking Time For Crock Pot
A breakfast with a little more substance, this breakfast scramble is a healthy high protein, low carbohydrate meal, that incorporates a serving of fruit and vegetable packed all into one whole grain tortilla. With the egg whites, you are getting the benefits of the high protein without the high cholesterol.