by Ingredient

Spanish recipe collection

ready in 30 to 60 minutes

Rosca de Reyes or Three Kings Bread
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This traditional bread served in Mexico celebrates the Epiphany! Usually hidden inside is a coin or toy baby and whoever finds it gets to make the tamales for Candelmas!

Pork & Potato Empanadas
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These are a delicious snack! As always, play around with it to make it the most delicious you can!

White Gazpacho with Almonds And Grapes
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A delicious soup that is great with tortilla chips or crusty bread. Can also be used as a salsa if thickened.

Amazing Spanish Rice with Beef
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Amazing Spanish Rice with Beef recipe

Spanish Rice with Avocado
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Spanish Rice with Avocado recipe

Showing 17 - 31
of 31 recipes

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