by Ingredient

Home Made Yogurt

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Good way to use powdered milk



4 servings


20 min


20 min


60 min


3 3/4 c warm tap water
1 2/3 c instant nonfat dry milk
2 to 4 T store bought, plain yogurt with active yogurt cultures


3 3/4 c warm tap water
1 2/3 c instant nonfat dry milk
2 to 4 T store bought, plain yogurt with active yogurt cultures


In a large saucepan, combine the tap water and dry milk powder. Stir well. Let it sit, then stir again.

Heat the milk over medium low heat until it reaches 180F. This kills off any competing bacteria so that the yogurt will respond better to the acidophilus cultures.

Remove from the stove and allow to cool to 115F. If the milk is hotter than this, it will kill off the yogurt cultures.

Add the store bought plain yogurt to the warm milk. Stire well. Allow it to sit for a few minutes and stir a final time.

Pour the mixture into a very clean, quart sized container. A quart canning jar or an old yogurt container works well.

Now you incubate the yogurt. This method works well for me: Fill a large preheated thermos about half way with hot tap water. Place the container with yogurt inside the thermos, being careful to not allow the water to get into the yogurt. Set the lid on top of the thermos. (Other people have put the yogurt in a barely warm oven, or put it under a heating blanket, or even let it incubate in a warm car!) Check the yogurt after a few hours. May take up to 8 hours. When the yogurt is thick, it is done. Refrigerate.

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This recipe sounds interesting, and it's certainly a great idea to use up some of our dry milk powder. One question, how does the yogurt taste? Thanks for sharing a great recipe :-)


The yogurt tastes like plain, unsweetened yogurt--very boring! You will need to add some sugar or jam or honey to make it taste good, if you plan on eating it for breakfast. It is a good substitute for sour cream. Sometimes the texture is a little grainier or runnier than store bought yogurt.




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