by Ingredient

Chocolate Blood Cake

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Chocolate Blood Cake recipe



1 cake


10 min


30 min


40 min
Low Fat, Fat-Free, Low in Saturated Fat, Low Cholesterol, Cholesterol-Free, Trans-fat Free, Low Carb, Sugar-Free, Sodium-Free, Low Sodium


Amount Measure Ingredient Features
500 gram white chocolate
* Camera
1 bottle food coloring
* Camera
1 x smarties
1 x icing
1 tub strawberry ice cream


Amount Measure Ingredient Features
5E+2 gram white chocolate
* Camera
1 bottle food coloring
* Camera
1 x smarties
1 x icing
1 tub strawberry ice cream


Make up the sponge mix but add loads of red food colouring to get the mixture nice and blood like.

Next, add about 400g of the chocolate (melted of course) to the sponge mix, adding more food colouring if the mixture seems to be getting too pinky.

Allow to cook for the normal length of time.

Make up quite a bit of icing in the meantime (adding the final 100g of chocolate to this) and colour this red also.

When the cake has cooked, allow to cool for about 1 hour and then cut in ½. taking the top half, pour the icing over and allow to set pretty randomly, but place the vampire teeth in the icing where they will cause maximum effect (in the centre is usually a good bet).

Before you serve this cake, place a generous layer of the ice-cream on top of the bottom layer and replace the top.

Serve with extra scoops of the ice cream and strawberry sauce.

* not incl. in nutrient facts Arrow up button



It okay but it doesn't really tell you clearly how long you have to cook it for does it, and it doesn't really tell you how to even make the Sbonge mix either, its not ver clear alll together really is it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anonymous United States

wheres the recipe




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