Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest
This holiday season visitors attending the numerous parties at the White House will find a new menu. Gone is the chicken fried steak, and in comes fresh vegetables and fruit that isn’t covered in chocolate.
Junk food dependance is being referred to as an epidemic and now the Center for Disease Control is studying the impact. Simply informing the American public about the types of food they should eat and how many servings they need each day is not working.
Now that the frantic pace of the holiday season has officially begun, there is no way to avoid the stress that this time of year brings. Many of us are desperately searching for ways to handle the stress in our lives, but few of us stop to consider our diet.
In spite of opposition from the meat industry, the number of public school districts offering meatless entrees continues to rise.
Unhealthy food calories are equal to calories from nutritious foods. This leads to cheap meals that are high in fat, salt, and sugar.
Recent poll shows Americans are buying less take-out coffe and are brown bagging their lunch more often to save money.
Thanksgiving is here in a couple of days. That means most of us are going to have a festive feast soon that for many impacts their waistline. Follow these tips to avoid packing on the pounds while still enjoying the feast.
There’s no need to go extremist vegan or even vegetarian. Just by developing the habit of eating more vegetables and less meat the long-term results are impressive.
Vegetarian is so yesterday. There's a growing trend of veggie loving diners and home chefs that believe vegetables are the new meat. Vegetables are being called "unbelievably sexy" and meat "slightly boring".
On average a teenagers consume double the recommended amount of salt a new study finds increasing future health problems.