by Ingredient

Shredded wheat cereal

About the ingredient shredded wheat cereal. Including 11 recipes with shredded wheat cereal.



In Chinese:碎小麦谷物
British (UK) term: Shredded wheat cereal
en français:céréales de blé déchiqueté
en español:cereal de trigo triturado

Recipes using shredded wheat cereal

There are 11 recipes that contain this ingredient.

Fat-Free Pumpkin Bran Muffins

Fat-Free Pumpkin Bran Muffins

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Fat-Free Pumpkin Bran Muffins recipe


Favourite Party Mix

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Favourite Party Mix recipe


Amazing Party Mix

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Party Mix recipe


Salmon-Potato Casserole

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Salmon-Potato Casserole recipe


Quicky Crumble

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This scrumptious dish has a fruity and sweet taste that everyone will enjoy! Great idea for a quick dessert after dinner!


Shredded Wheat Cookies

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It's hard to resist these addictively delicious cookies. Oats, shredded wheat, and dates add extra goodness. Feel free to use half whole wheat flour and half all-purpose flour. The result is as yummy.

All 11 recipes

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