by Ingredient

Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest

Healthy Living News

How Your Legs Can Predict the Future

How Your Legs Can Predict the Future

There are several things you can predict about your future health by examining your legs. Learn how to predict your future by noting certain characteristics.

Fruit May Not Be a No-No for Diabetics

Fruit May Not Be a No-No for Diabetics

Many diabetics are under the mistaken impression that fruit is off limit. While it is important to consult with your doctor, fruit might actually still be good for you!

Change These 6 Habits If You Want to Lose Weight

Change These 6 Habits If You Want to Lose Weight

You might be very surprised to learn that these 6 supposedly healthy habits may be sabotaging your weight loss efforts. Learn what to change now.

5 Foods That Are More Energizing Than Coffee

5 Foods That Are More Energizing Than Coffee

Many folks just reach for a cup of coffee when they need a jolt of energy. If you really want to get that energy, with a nutritional boost added, try fitting these 5 food combos into your diet.

Did you know your foot needs exercise, too?

Did you know your foot needs exercise, too?

Exercising each part of your body is important for good overall health. Did you know that you have to exercise your feet, as well? Here are some helpful tips for exercising your feet to keep them strong.

7 Reasons to Stop Eating Sugar Now

7 Reasons to Stop Eating Sugar Now

Sugar is everywhere, lurking in many places you may not be aware of. Sugar is not good for you, and here are 7 health benefits you will enjoy once you cut it out of your diet.

10 Reasons You Are Overeating

10 Reasons You Are Overeating

Controlling what you eat is not impossible, and becomes easier when you understand some of the reasons behind overeating. Keep these common reasons in mind, and you will have better control of your healthy diet!

Running Improves Motor Skill

Running Improves Motor Skill

We can all probably agree that running can make you healthier, and some think it even makes you smarter. But new research shows it might make your motor skills better, too!

Donations Can Make Us Happier

Donations Can Make Us Happier

Charitable donations usually make the donor feel like they are doing a good deed. When the donation goes toward the fundraising efforts of a social connection, however, research shows that the happiness that results is far greater.

How to Save 500 Calories Per Day

How to Save 500 Calories Per Day

Trying to lose weight can be a frustrating process. But, you may not need to make huge changes or commit to highly restrictive diets.