by Ingredient

Parchment paper

About the ingredient parchment paper. Including 6 recipes with parchment paper.



In Chinese:羊皮纸
British (UK) term: Parchment paper
en français:papier-parchemin
en español:papel pergamino

Recipes using parchment paper

There are 6 recipes that contain this ingredient.

Stained Glass Valentine's Day Cookies

Stained Glass Valentine's Day Cookies

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These cookies are great for holiday parties, as well as just having around the house. The cookies look like stained glass, and you can switch up the colors and flavors depending on your theme!

Freezing Leftover Chipotle Peppers

Freezing Leftover Chipotle Peppers

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Chipotle peppers are getting more popular and many recipes call for only one or two chipotle peppers. Here's a step by step tip on how to not waste the whole can for one pepper.

All 6 recipes

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