by Ingredient

Garlic chives

About the ingredient garlic chives. Including 13 recipes with garlic chives.


What are garlic chives?



In Chinese:大蒜韭菜
British (UK) term:
en français:ciboulette ail
en español:cebollino ajo

Recipes using garlic chives

There are 13 recipes that contain this ingredient.

Sour Cabbage Salad

Sour Cabbage Salad


This salad fits to pierogi with the meat filling. You may also try it with fried or grilled fish.


Scallops with Garlic Chives

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A simple yet scrumptious side dish that can accompany any meal you make this summer!


Boiled Garlic Chive Dumplings

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This is a vegetarian dumpling dish, in Chinese New Year, when you begin to get tired of meat, you can try this recipe!


Avocado & Mozarella Cheese Stuffed Tomatoes

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Looks terrific and tastes unbelievable!

All 13 recipes

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