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Italian cookies


nonnic - home chef nonnic
Maple Shade, United States
 over 19 years ago

looking for receipe a cookie my grandmother made it looks like a ravilo it is filled with crushed cecci beans chocolate etc. It is dough which is filled and then fried.

Does anyone have this is so please send

Thank you


 about 19 years ago

I am looking for a similar recipe called calchione (not sure of the spelling) I found one at under Mom's Italian filled cookies. It is close to the one's my family used to make. They were from Abruzzi.Hope that was helpful.

Schllac - home chef Schllac
Norristown,Pa. "The center of the universe", US
 about 19 years ago

Chickpea Ravioli, or Cavezune

5 cups (500 g) unbleached all purpose flour
1/5 cup (40 g) sugar
2 tablespoons olive oil
Cooked chickpeas, pureed
Shaved dark chocolate
A cinnamon stick, shredded
Cotto di fichi or cooked down grape
Olive oil for frying

Combine the flour, olive oil, sugar, and sufficient warm water to obtain a firm, elastic dough. Roll it out into a thin sheet and use a large glass to make disks. (I use a 16 oz empty tomato can this gives you a nice size circle)

Lay a spoonful of the chickpeas in the center of each disk, together with some chocolate shavings, a little cinnamon, and a teaspoon of the cooked fruit or must. Fold the disks over the filling and crimp with a fork to seal and then fry until golden in hot oil. Make sure the oil is hot, I use 375 degrees otherwise they will be greasy.

Remove when golden and place on paper towels and drain them sprinkle with powered sugar, I usually put the powered sugar on just before serving so they dont get sticky from setting

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