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Barbados fruit cake


Bajan158 - home chef Bajan158

 over 20 years ago

My mom use to make a dark fruit cake [for weddings]that had the fruit soaked in liquor for weeks. I would like the recipe for this fantastic cake. I believe some Barbadians call it "holiday fruit cake"


nitasjewels - home chef nitasjewels

 over 20 years ago

I have a wonderful friend from Barbados who has given me some of this cake from time to time. She calls it Barbadian black cake. I haven't spoken to her yet today but THINK this recipe just might be the one you're looking for. Will ask her for hers BUT she is quite guarded with it as its an old family recipe. In the meantime, try this out: I know the one she has is drenched in dark rum,port wine and has lots of exotic fruits in it; She serves it topped with whipped cream, a hard sauce and sometimes just plain. Hope this helps

sydneytemp - home chef sydneytemp

 about 18 years ago

Need recipe for fruit cake