by Ingredient

Hickory nuts

About the ingredient hickory nuts. Including 5 recipes with hickory nuts, and where to find it.


What are hickory nuts?

Hickory tree nuts are the edible seeds of the hickory tree, a species of tree found in North America and parts of Asia.

With over a dozen species of hickory trees, each produces a wide variety of nuts, each with its distinctive taste and texture.

Some of the most favored species include the shagbark, shellbark, pignut, and mockernut hickories.

These trees are not only cherished for their delectable nuts but also for their hard and enduring wood.

So, what are hickory nuts, and why should you care about them?

Hickory nuts have a buttery, rich flavor with a mildly sweet and nutty taste.

They are often compared to pecans, which are actually a type of hickory nut. These nuts are packed with nutrients and are an good source of healthy fats, protein, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals.

They can be eaten roasted, raw, or used in various recipes, including baked goods, salads, and even as a substitute for other nuts in dishes like pecan pie.

Hickory nuts are not just a tasty treat; they also have a rich history and cultural significance. Native American tribes have long used these nuts for food, medicine, and even as a form of currency.

The trees were also used for making tools, weapons, and building materials. Today, hickory nuts are still enjoyed as a traditional food and are celebrated in various festivals and events across North America.

Hickory nuts are a delicious and nutritious food with a fascinating history and cultural importance.

They are a versatile ingredient that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways and are a great addition to any diet.

Where found

Hickory nuts are usually found in the asian section or aisle of the grocery store or supermarket.

In Chinese:山核桃
British (UK) term:
en français:noix de caryer
en español:nueces de nogal

Recipes using hickory nuts

There are 5 recipes that contain this ingredient.

All 5 recipes

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