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Classic lasagna


SuzieQue.bad - home chef SuzieQue.bad
Belleville, United States
 about 13 years ago

- ! "The green box sounds like Creamettes. \r\n\r\nClassic Lasagna\r\n Preheat oven
to 375°. Cook sausage for 20 minutes, drain fat, cut into small pieces and set aside.
Cook Lasagna strips according to package directions for parboiling. Put drained
strips in single layer on sheet of wax paper until ready to proceed with recipe.
In a large bowl mix together the ricotta cheese, egg, parsley flakes, nutmeg, sugar,
salt and pepper to taste. To assemble Lasagna – pour 1 1/3 cups sauce in bottom
of 9x13-inch dish, then a layer of Lasagna strips, ½ of the ricotta cheese mixture,
mozzarella cubes and sausage and another layer of Lasagna strips. Repeat layers
ending with final 1 1/3 cups of sauce. Sprinkle with ½ cup Parmesan cheese. Cover
with aluminum foil and bake in 375° oven for 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake for
15 more minutes. Let stand for 10 minutes before cutting. Refrigerate leftovers.
4 to 6 servings. To Parboil: Bring 4 quarts of water to a boil, add 1 tablespoon
salt (optional). Cook 7 or 8 strips of Lasagna at a time for 6-8 minutes. Occasionally
stir gently to keep strips from sticking together. Remove with slotted spoon and
put in cold water to stop cooking action. Strips can be kept in cold water or drained
and put in single layer on a sheet of wax paper until ready to proceed with recipe.\r\n\r\nIngredients:\r\n
1 (8-ounce) package Lasagna\r\n 1 (26-ounce) jar Pasta Sauce\r\n 1 pound Italian
sausage\r\n 2 (15-ounce) container ricotta cheese\r\n 1 egg, beaten\r\n 1 tablespoon
parsley flakes\r\n ¼ teaspoon nutmeg\r\n 1 teaspoon sugar\r\n Salt and pepper to
taste\r\n 1 cup mozzarella cheese\r\n ½ cup Parmesan cheese\r\n\r\n"
