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Fruitcake - how to tell when it's done


 about 13 years ago

- Use a meat thermometer and when you think it is done, stick it in the center of the cake. When the internal temperature reaches 195-205F, it is done. King Arthur Flour recommends 200F.


Critter Mom - home chef Critter Mom
Los Angeles, California, United States
 about 13 years ago

That's a great tip! If you don't have a meat thermometer, King Arthur Flour also says that a knife can be inserted into the center of the fruitcake, and when it comes out clean, it's done.

MaryNicholas - home chef MaryNicholas

 almost 12 years ago

Great! I may use this recipe in my dining menu at hostel malaysia. I'm a chef so I must learn different recipe that could be good for all occasions.

 about 2 years ago

Is fruit cake done when wooden skewer comes out just slightly shiny?