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Strawberry jelly and whipped cream filled donut


HopScotch - home chef HopScotch
Oslo, Norway
 over 14 years ago

I had this as a child, while residing in Las Vegas, and I still dream of it. It haunts me as I recollect how I delighted in consuming this delectable treat, so anyone know of a recipe.

The only bakery in Las Vegas that sells this is Bouchon Bakery, but was it around during the late sixties, and that is another question.


SuzieQue.bad - home chef SuzieQue.bad
Belleville, United States
 over 14 years ago

How to make a fake Strawberry Jelly Donut to SAVE MONEY

The strawberry jelly donut you are about to make will not look anything like the one in the photo. Your donut will look awful but it will taste good. It's not really a donut but when you are poor this is a pretty good substitute. And my dog does not like it so I do not have to share.

Difficulty: Easy Instructions Things You'll Need:

white bread

strawberry jelly

whipped cream

Step 1 Take a slice of white bread and spread strawberry jelly on it. You can use another kind of jelly if you want. Ain't no law about the kind of jelly. Ain't no law about the kind of bread either. But I only buy white bread because I only like white bread. And I think a donut made on wheat or rye would almost be a crime.

Step 2 After you spread the jelly put a blob of whip cream in the middle. I like the kind of cream from a can and it makes a pretty star shape. But I can't afford that kind of cream right now so I use the kind that come in the tub and I have to have an ugly spooned out blob instead of the pretty star. It's still cream and it's still good.

Step 3 Now fold it over and eat it. Oh, you can cut the crust off first. I should have mentioned that before. Does not matter now. Just eat it.

Step 4 You can also make just a regular sandwich with the jelly and cream and it tastes just as good. But I like to use one slice and fold it over because it's easier to pretend that it's a donut. And I eat about 6 of them.

Strawberry Jelly and Whipped Cream Filled Donut Recipe

Things You'll Need: white bread strawberry jelly whipped cream ... of shops selling donuts, bagels, hot drinks, cold drinks, filled pretzels,


4 pkg. yeast

1 c. warm water

4 c. lukewarm milk (scald, then cool)

1 c. oil

1 c. sugar

4 tsp. salt

4 eggs, slightly beaten

14 c. flour

dissolve 4 packages yeast in 1 cup warm water. Combine all ingredients, then add dissolved yeast. Gradually add 14 cups flour, beating constantly. Knead 15 minutes. Let rise 2 hours or until double. Work down. Let rise 1 hour. Roll and cut. Put on sheets to rise, approximately 1/2 hour. Fry until golden brown.


4 egg whites, stiffly beaten

1 1/2 c. Crisco

2 tbsp. confectioners sugar

8 tbsp. milk or 1/2 c.

2 tbsp.flour

4 tsp. vanilla

7 3/4 confectioners sugar

cream egg whites, crisco, 2 tablespoons sugar, then add rest of ingredients.

Jelly Filled Donuts


1 cup whole milk

3/4 ounce (4 1/2 teaspoons) instant yeast

1/4 cup sugar, plus more for coating

3 tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

1/4 teaspoon mace

2 tablespoons nonfat powdered milk

1 large egg

2 cups all-purpose flour

1 cup bread flour

Oil, for coating bowl

Vegetable shortening, for frying

1 1/2 cups raspberry, strawberry, blueberry or your favorite jelly for filling doughnut


Set a small saucepan over low heat and add 1/4 cup of the milk. Heat the milk long enough to remove the chill and raise the temperature just slightly so that it is just warm. Place the yeast in a small bowl with 1 tablespoon of the sugar and pour the heated milk over the yeast. Stir the milk into the yeast and allow it to bloom for 5 to 10 minutes. In a stand mixer fitted with a whip attachment, combine the remaining 3 tablespoons of sugar, butter, salt, mace, and powdered milk and mix until just well combined. Do not overmix. Add the egg and mix gently. Add the remaining 3/4 cup of milk and mix briefly. Add the flours and yeast mixture and mix to form a smooth dough, about 6 to 8 minutes at second speed.

Transfer dough to a lightly oiled bowl and cover with plastic wrap or a damp kitchen towel. Set aside to rise in a warm, draft free place until doubled in size, 1 to 1 1/2 hours.

Place the dough on a lightly floured work surface. Sprinkle the dough lightly with flour and, using a rolling pin, roll to a thickness of 1/2-inch. Let dough sit undisturbed for 5 minutes to allow the dough to relax. Using a biscuit cutter or the rim of a glass, cut doughnuts into rounds about 3 inches in diameter.

Add enough solid vegetable shortening to a large saucepan or deep-fryer to come halfway up the sides of the pan when melted. Heat over medium heat to a temperature of 350 degrees F. Fry the doughnuts, a few at a time so as to not overcrowd, turning once midway through the cooking, 2 to 2 1/2 minutes per side. Drain on a paper towel-lined plate. While donuts are still warm, place them in a paper bag with some sugar and shake to coat. Transfer the cooked doughnuts to a cookie rack set over a sheet pan to cool.

When cool, place the jelly in a pastry bag fitted with a plain tip and, using the tip, poke a small hole in the side of the doughnuts and fill the centers with 2 tablespoons of the jam. Serve.