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Egg sop gravy?


Mysticwind - home chef Mysticwind

 about 18 years ago

Has anyone ever heard of such a recipe? It was a southern recipe during the depression and I think it was made with salt pork/fatback, raw eggs, boiling water and flour. It was sort of clear, not white or brown. My mother-in-law used to make it with biscuits, but she is no longer with us.


Home chef Peanut Patty
Ola, United States
 about 18 years ago

Gravy. A sauce, usually flour-based, served with meat, poultry, and other foods...In America "gravy" is a more common term than "sauce" or "sop" (which may indicate a basting sauce) and has been in print since the middle of the nineteeth century. By 1900 the word had metaphoric connotations of money obtained with little or no effort, so that to be on the "gravy train" was to acquire money gratuitiously, often through political graft."


1/4 c. bacon drippings

1/4 c. flour

1 or 2 eggs

Salt and pepper

2 c. water

Add flour, salt, and pepper to bacon drippings, stirring until smooth and slightly brown. Add water (more if needed) and stir until it thickens. Gravy should not be thick; add 1 or 2 eggs (slightly beaten) and cook only until eggs are done. Serve over hot biscuits.

Egg Gravy Category: Breakfast

Prep Time- 25 Minutes Description- Grandma's recipe

Serves 8

4 slices bacon

3 1/2 cups milk

3 egg yolks

2 tbls flour

Nutritional Data

Fry bacon til crisp, drain. Leave about a tbls of grease in the pan. Add 3 cups milk to pan and heat. In a bowl combine 3 egg yolks, 1/2 cup milk, and flour. Beat smooth. Stir slowly into the milk mixture as it begins to boil. Stir until thick. Add crumbled bacon. Serve on toast!


Fry out 3 tablespoons of side meat gravy and remove meat from frying pan. Beat 1 egg light and fluffy. Add: 1/2 tsp. salt (or more, if needed for taste)
Beat again until smooth. Add 2 cups sweet milk and stir well. Pour into medium warm frying pan with gravy and stir until thickened. Add black pepper to taste. Real good with homemade biscuits.