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Coffee-walnut microwave fudge


Home chef Peanut Patty
Ola, United States
 about 18 years ago

Microwave Fudge

3 2/3 c. powdered sugar
1/2 c. cocoa
1/4 c. milk
1/2 c. butter
1 Tbs. vanilla
1/2 c. chopped pecans or walnuts, optional

Combine and cook powdered sugar, cocoa, milk, and butter on high power until butter is melted, about 2-3 minutes. Stir until smooth. Blend in vanilla and nuts. Spread into a buttered 8" square pan. Cut fudge into squares. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

3 c. semisweet chocolate chips
1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk
1/4 c. butter or margarine, diced
1 c. chopped walnuts

Combine first 3 ingredients in a 2-quart glass bowl. Microwave at MEDIUM (50% power) 4-5 minutes, stirring at 1 1/2 minute intervals. Stir in chopped walnuts, and pour mixture into a buttered 8" square dish. Chill at least 2 hours. Cut into squares. Makes 2 pounds.

3 c. granulated sugar
1 c. half-and-half
3 Tbs. light corn syrup
1/4 tsp. salt
1 Tbs. instant coffee powder
2 tsp. hot water
4 Tbs. butter
1/4 tsp. vanilla extract
1 c. walnuts, coarsely chopped

In 5-quart glass or ceramic microwave-safe bowl, combine sugar, half-and-half, syrup and salt. Cook on HIGH for 5 to 7 minutes until mixture comes to a full boil; stirring occasionally. Set microwave-safe candy thermometer in place. Continue to cook on HIGH for 7-10 minutes or until temperature reaches 240* F or soft ball stage (when a small amount of mixture dropped into a bowl of cold water forms a soft ball that flattens on removal from water). Dissolve coffee in hot water; add coffee mixture, butter and vanilla extract to hot candy mixture, but DO NOT stir. Cool without stirring to 110* F or until outside of bowl feels lukewarm. Meanwhile, lightly butter an 8" square baking pan. When the mixture is cool, beat with a wooden spoon until fudge becomes thick and begins to lose its gloss. Stir in nuts. Pour fudge into prepared pan (do not scrape bowl as the mixture on the side may be too sugary). Chill. When firm, cut into squares. Makes about 2 pounds.

1/2 c. butter or margarine
3/4 c. Hershey's cocoa
4 c. [owdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 c. evaporated milk
1 c. pecan pieces
Pecan halves (optional)

Line an 8" square cake pan with foil. Place the butter in a medium-size microwave-safe bowl. Microwave at HIGH (100%) 1 to 1 1/2 minutes or until melted. Add cocoa; stir until smooth. Stir in powdered sugar sugar and vanilla extract; blend well (mixture will be dry and crumbly). Stir in evaporated milk. Microwave at HIGH 1 minutes; stir. Microwave additional 1 minute or until mixture is hot. Beat with wooden spoon until smooth; add pecan pieces. Pour into prepared pan. Cool. Cover; chill until firm. Cut into 1" squares. Garnish with pecans halves, if desired. Cover, & store in refrigerator.

1 lb. powdered sugar
1 stick margarine or butter
1/4 c. milk or cream
1 tsp. vanilla
1 c. peanut butter
1/4 c. baking chocolate to
taste or 1 pack of Nestle's
Choco-bake chocolate liquid
(1 oz. liquid chocolate)

Place powdered sugar, margarine or butter, milk or cream
and vanilla in microwave container. Don't cover for 2 1/2
minutes on High. Upon taking out, mix until most powdered
sugar lumps are dissolved. At this point, you have vanilla
For peanut butter fudge, at this point add 1 cup of
peanut butter. Stir until content doesn't stick to sides of
If you want peanut butter chocolate fudge, add 1/4 cup
of Hershey baking chocolate or less to taste or one pack of
liquid Nestle's Choco-bake chocolate.
1 c. butter
1/2 c. powdered sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
2 1/4 c. flour
2/3 c. chopped pecans, walnuts
or almonds

In large bowl cream butter, powdered sugar and salt
together. Add vanilla. Blend in flour 1/3 at a time. Stir in
nuts. Shape in 1-inch balls and place in rows, 2 inches apart
on wax paper, covered cardboard sheet or microwave-safe plastic
baking tray. Remove cookies from oven on wax paper and sprin-
kle tops with additional powdered sugar, cool.
Variation: Flatten dough balls with fork dipped in
sugar. Top with maraschino cherry half or 1/8 teaspoon jelly
or pecan half. Microwave as directed for Easy Nut Balls.

Almond Brittle Ingredients

1 cup water

2 cups sugar

1 cup light corn syrup

2 cups unblanched sliced almonds

1 teaspoons salt

2 tablespoons butter

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/4 tsp baking soda


Bring the water to a boil in a large, heavy saucepan over moderate heat. Stir in the sugar and corn syrup until dissolved.

Cook to the hard-ball stage and add the almonds and salt. Cook, stirring occasionally, to the hard-crack stage.

Remove from the heat and stir in the butter, vanilla, and baking soda. Pour the mixture onto a well buttered slab or baking sheet and spread it out with a spatula, making it as thin as possible while it is still hot.

Cool to room temperature and break into pieces. Store in an airtight container.

MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05

Title: ALMOND BRITTLE Categories: Candies

Yield: 1 Servings

1 3/4 c Whole, unblanched almonds

1 1/3 c Blanched, chopped almonds

3/4 c Packed brown sugar

2/3 c Light corn syrup

1/4 c Water

1/4 ts Salt

1 tb Unsalted butter

1/2 ts Vanilla extract or flavor

1/4 ts Almond extract or flavor

1) Preheat oven to 325 F.

2) Place whole and chopped almonds on a jelly-roll pan and toast them for 15 min. in oven, tossing and stirring occasionally. Turn off heat and leave nuts in oven.

They must be warm when added to syrup.

3) In heavy 1 1/2 qt. saucepan, stir together brn. sugar, corn syrup, water and salt.

Swirl over high heat until sugar dissolves, washing down sides of pan with wet brush to remove any sugar crystals.

Boil to 290 F. on candy thermometer without stirring.

4) Meanwhile, butter lge. baking sheet and a metal spatula.

5) When syrup is ready, remove from the heat and stir in the hot nuts, then butter, vanilla, and almond extract.

6) Pour candy onto baking sheet and press out as flat as possible with spatula. Let cool.

7) Remove the brittle from the pan and break into serving pcs.

Pack airtight and store for 24 hrs. before serving to let flavor develop. Will keep for many weeks.

Yield: 1 1/4 lbs. MMMMM
