I'm looking for a recipe for cooked apple raspberry jam. We like the commercial stuff so well I thought I'd try doing up my own. We have an apple tree and the local raspberries are good. The ony commercial supplier I've seen in the stores around here(Cobden, Ontario, Canada) is Habitant.
Apple-and-raspberry Jelly Recipe
From LoveToKnow Recipes
For Jam; leaves raspberries whole and donot strain, just add to the hot mixture.
Ingredients for Apple-and-raspberry Jelly
1/2 peck of apples
Sugar as needed or
3/4 cup to each cup of juice
1 pint of raspberry juice or juice of 4 lemons
Cut the apples in quarters, removing imperfections; pour on boiling water until it can be seen through the pieces, cover and let cook until soft throughout.
Let drain in a bag.
When cold enough to handle press out the last of the juice with the hands.
Do not add this to the juice secured by draining, but cook by itself.
To the drained juice add the raspberry juice or (**Whole) (fresh or canned) and let boil fifteen minutes.
Have the sugar made hot in the oven; add the sugar and let boil till the mixture jellies slightly on a cold dish.
Jelly containing apple grows firm on keeping.