First day: Pour not quite all of a box of salt into a kettle of water and boil.
Pour over approximately a half bushel of small cucumbers.
Pack into at least a 3 gallon stone jar.
Second day: Pour salty water off cucumbers.
Boil in a large kettle 1 box of alum and water to fill the kettle.
Pour over cucumbers.
Third day: Drain off alum liquid; boil a kettle of plain water and pour over pickles.
Fourth day: Heat 1 gallon vinegar.
Put one box of pickling spices into a piece of cheesecloth; tie securely and drop into vinegar.
Pour over cucumbers and let sit for 9 days.
On the fifteenth day: Pour off liquid from pickles.
Slice cucumbers; put a layer of pickles and a layer of sugar into your stone crock.
If you prefer layer your pickles and sugar right into glass jars.
It is not necessary to seal the jars.
Pickles will keep indefinitely.