by Ingredient

Spearmint leaves

About the ingredient spearmint leaves. Including 7 recipes with spearmint leaves.



In Chinese:薄荷叶
British (UK) term: Spearmint leaves
en français:feuilles de menthe verte
en español:hojas de menta verde

Recipes using spearmint leaves

There are 7 recipes that contain this ingredient.

Lebanese Tabbouleh

Lebanese Tabbouleh

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This scrumptious dish made of cracked wheat and tomatoes can be served by itself or with any type of meat.


Lamb Baked in Paper

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If you love the taste of lamb, you will enjoy every bit of this succulent dish.


All Purpose Seasoning

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A simple seasoning that can be used for any kind of dish you prepare for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

All 7 recipes

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