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Chinese pink sauce


Caerigna - home chef Caerigna

 over 19 years ago

i live in the northwest, and the chinese restaurants here have a pink sauce available for your rice or mar far chicken. does anyone know how to make it?
it may just be a variation on the old ketchup and mayo stuff, but it tastes excellent, and i can't find a recipe, or real name for it anywhere. we all just call it pink sauce, lol.

please help me if you can, thank you.


bunyip - home chef bunyip
mount compass, South Australia, AU
 over 19 years ago



Home chef Peanut Patty
Ola, United States
 over 19 years ago

(Delicious With Shrimp Or Any Seafood)
1 c. mayo
1 c. chili sauce
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp. horseradish
4 minced green onions
4 minced sprigs of parsley
1 Tbsp. sugar

Blend together mayo, chili sauce, Worcestershire sauce,
horseradish, green onions, parsley and sugar. Refrigerate.
Makes 2 1/2 cups.

JezI - home chef JezI

 over 18 years ago

Did u find any recipe for the "pink sauce." I use to live in Oregon, where we call it that as well, tho here in Florida they know of no such "sauce."
If u can help I would appreciate.

dragonfly64 - home chef dragonfly64

 over 18 years ago

Hey Jessica, you may be my cousin if you used to live in Medford! Here is the REAL pink sauce recipe everyone wants from the famous Kim's restaurant in Medford Oregon:

2 cups oil
1 cup sugar
1 cup ketcup
3/4 cup apple cieder vinegar
1 egg
1 tablespoon dry mustard

Mix all together in a blender or with a mixer until well blended. Refrigerate leftovers.

foshizzle_92 - home chef foshizzle_92

 about 18 years ago

this is the right recipe thank you ive been looking forever for this and it was the one, the pink sauce originated here in one of the western states but has not made it further than oregon so dont expect it at any restraunts that isnt on the west coast.

PatsyBee - home chef PatsyBee

 almost 18 years ago

We used to live in Medford and loved Kim's. Kim's closed in 2005 so no more pink sauce or Mar Far Chicken! Does anyone have the recipe for Mar Far?
Just found this site, it's great.
Thanks, Pat

yjbaum - home chef yjbaum

 almost 18 years ago

Thank You Thank You Thank You! I'm probably another cousin of yours in Central Point OR. We couldn't belive it when KIM'S closed. At one time I had this recipe and lost it. I am so thrilled to have it again.

 over 2 years ago

I use to live in coosbay and want to find out what the sauce is that they use its like a fry sauce taste like mayo and a tangy and sweet flavor