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Rose hip jam or jelly


Wolfwalker - home chef Wolfwalker

 over 19 years ago

I'm looking for a recipe for rosehip jam or jelly, I made it once in home ec in school and really liked it and want to make it again for my hubby as he had never heard of it.
thanks in advance


BigJim - home chef BigJim

 over 19 years ago

Hi wolfwalker:
this is BigJim, I saw your request for rosehip
jelly. I love that stuff. Jams/jellies making
is my hobby. If you will go to website
(www, you will find one of my favorite
websites, your recipe will be there. Take care
and God bless....

ketchup47 - home chef ketchup47

 over 18 years ago

I just copied down a recipe for this at the website ketchup47