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Spikeoreilly says bye bye


spikeoreilly - home chef spikeoreilly
tower, cork, IE
 over 19 years ago

sorry folks
i'm gone for a couple of months
good luck
p.s. just use ur search engines.
p.p.s.and if someone does reply ..........the least u can do is let them know if it was what u were looking for ok ....................................................................................................... see ye next year ,,,,,,,,,,,


genny - home chef genny
Elk River, United States
 over 19 years ago

Hello Spike,
My name is Genny-Thank you so much for your recipe for-chicken yorkshire-It was a hit at my dinner party.
I am sorry it took me so long to reply but, I had a bad case of the flu.
Am sorry you will be gone from the boards so long-but, will look foreward to seeing you next year.
Happy vacation to you and yours,