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Oster kitchen center ice cream recipes


Lizette-Marie - home chef Lizette-Marie
San Juan, Puerto Rico, PR
 about 20 years ago

My mom just gave an almost-intact Oster kitchen center. It's missing the recipe book. Would appreciate recipes for the ice cream maker!!

God bless......


nitasjewels - home chef nitasjewels

 about 20 years ago

this ought to do the trick:

TeresaAnnF - home chef TeresaAnnF

 almost 20 years ago
search for 'ice cream maker' or 'homemade ice cream'

csue22 - home chef csue22

 about 19 years ago

I have the Oster Kitchen Center also. I purchased the ice cream maker attachment and have used it quite a lot. The recipe I use is just the standard recipe, adjusting the ingredients to NO MORE than 1 and 1/4 quarts. IF YOU LIKE, I WOULD BE HAPPY TO SCAN MY BOOK AND EMAIL IT TO YOU. JUST LET ME KNOW.

A WORD TO THE WISE: After a lot of use, I found that the salt water oozed down the center part into the motor of my Kitchen Center, causing it to 'freeze up'. I was finally able to put oil down into the cogs of the base, and after letting it sit a while, I was able to finally get the motor to run. This happened to me twice causing the motor not to run even in the mixer
mode. I ended up purchasing the Oster Ice Cream Maker, which is just like the other one only it has it's own base. I use my mixer a lot and didn't want to burn out the motor just for ice cream.

jOEjOE - home chef jOEjOE

 almost 19 years ago

I would like this info if possible. my email is

ihom78 - home chef ihom78

 almost 19 years ago

I have misplaced my book to this unit, need receipes and directions for unit, could you scan your book and e-mail to me please, thank you

vmorden - home chef vmorden

 over 18 years ago

I recently bought an ice cream maker for my Kitchen Center off ebay but it didn't have a recipe or instruction book. I would be glad to reimburse you for your time and trouble if you would scan a copy for me.

Thanks so much.

pegg - home chef pegg
Lawrence, United States
 over 18 years ago

I would love for you to scan your instruction/recipe book for me. I have both the one for my Kitchen Center and the one with its own motor but not instructions. sigh....
Thanks for your kind offer!!

nancyyb - home chef nancyyb

 over 18 years ago

I'm not sure how to use this web site but I would like the instructions for the Oster kitchen center ice cream maker. My email in Thanks

Ariadna06 - home chef Ariadna06

 over 18 years ago

I am new here, so i hope I am doing this right.
I need some help to find a recipe book, and instructions manual, for an Oster Icream maker, and for a kitchen center.
I saw an add from a person that will be willing to scan a copy.
That would be so great!!!!
Thank you for your kind offer

efirebird - home chef efirebird

 almost 18 years ago

Have you located a copy of the Oster Kitchen Center Ice Cream Maker?

If so, I would like a copy.

I have just moved from overseas and have not found my manuals but I know I haven't thrown them out.



Urhunybun - home chef Urhunybun

 over 17 years ago

I also am missing the directions to the Oster Ice Cream maker. Would anyone be able to send me the directions as well? Thank you

osterowner - home chef osterowner

 over 17 years ago

Hi - haven't used my new oster ice cream maker attachement yet. Please, would you be so kind as to email me the manual that you scanned? Thank you ever so much! Sincerely,

newbury - home chef newbury

 over 17 years ago

I just looked online for a recipe book/instruction manual for my Oster Ice cream maker and you stated that you had one in 2005. If you still have it and are still willing to scan and send it, my email address is I would so very much appreciate it. Thanks.

jawbear - home chef jawbear

 over 17 years ago

Hello, I just found this website while looking for ice cream/gelato recipes for my Oster ice cream maker...which I purchased at a yard sale, minus any instructions. If you still have your scanned copy of the booklet, I would certainly appreciate a copy. Thanks so much.
jawbear in Calgary

lurp - home chef lurp

 over 17 years ago

Any chance you have the recipe book scanned we sure would appreciate it. Thanks the Lucius Family

MandyD - home chef MandyD

 over 17 years ago

I have recently passed along my Oster Ice cream maker (the one with it's own base) and was unable to find the instructions to give to this friend. If anyone has this manual and wouldn't mind scanning it and sending it to me via email, I'd be very grateful. The model is Oster 'Designer' Ice cream maker, model 768-20F .

Thanks so much

walcat1976 - home chef walcat1976

 over 15 years ago

I would sure like to get a cope of the book for the ice cream maker. I can't find mine either.

nkmelvin - home chef nkmelvin

 over 15 years ago

I have a pdf copy of the Oster Ice Cream Maker. I'm new to this website and don't know if there is a way to post it to this thread. I'm happy to email the file to anyone who needs it.

nkmelvin - home chef nkmelvin

 over 15 years ago

my email address is

atiras - home chef atiras

 about 15 years ago

Here it is!

atiras - home chef atiras

 about 15 years ago

or try this

atiras - home chef atiras

 about 15 years ago

try these..


atiras - home chef atiras

 about 15 years ago

try these..


atiras - home chef atiras

 about 15 years ago

try these..


atiras - home chef atiras

 about 15 years ago

correction -

try these..


atiras - home chef atiras

 about 15 years ago

try these..


atiras - home chef atiras

 about 15 years ago

try these..


nickb - home chef nickb

 about 15 years ago

Lizette-Marie, here is a link to the ice cream maker manual in pdf form. you will find recipes and instructions there.
All the best,

shayna1105 - home chef shayna1105
Mosinee, United States
 almost 15 years ago

I also have a Oster Kitchen center,I would like
to give it to my daughter,but it does not have the manuals? Does anyone have an idea where I can get a manual for the center and it's attachments.It's like new.
Thank you,
You can e-mail me at:

anita842 - home chef anita842

 over 14 years ago
That is where I found the manual for my kitchen center.
And this one is for the ice cream maker.
I hope this helps.